A new Beta Blocker for those with Dyautonomia
Hello everyone! It has been a few weeks since I have not written. I been dealing with different doctor's for my son and getting new information all the time. Seems like this time we are finding doctor's who have been very helpful. I like to thank the Children Hospital Cardiologist in Boston for being very supportive and a great help. Recently my son was put on a Beta Blocker. It is called Betaxolol. (Betaxolol relieves anxiety and panic symptoms much faster than antidepressants. It works within 1-3 days while antidepressants take up to 12 weeks.) He takes a .5mg a day. To remind you, people with Dysautonomia are sensitive to medications. If they take normal dosages they will get most of the side effects. It is important to take small dosages because your body is 80 to 85 percent low on fluids. What this Beta Blocker is doing for him is controlling his hard throbbing palpitations that never go away. It is with him 24/7. The palpitations is another main symptom most complained...