
Showing posts from October, 2012

Homeopathic Medicines/Supplements for Dysautonomia

In this Blog I would like to add the "Homeopathic Medicines/Supplements" that actually can help you with your wide variety of symptoms you have with Dysautonomia. I know this due through experience and also the help of a Medical Doctor who knows of these Homeopathic Medications, that actually does work and can help you. What is great about taking these is that you can take them with your medications without having any side effects but as always, consult with your doctor first or someone who is experience with Dysautonomia. I am not sure what medications you take and I do not know all about Medicines because, I am not a doctor but, an experience patient per say. These types will help with  your main symptoms that most Dysautononomics complain about. Many do not like having that anxiety feeling and are so sick of the wide variety of body pain that you have to deal with day in, day out. It's a constant with some and with others it just shows up without warning. Also, All...