Where, who, has the cure for Dysautonomia?

Is there a cure for Dysautonomia? Well so far all the doctor's who know about Dysautonomia can do is just treat each symptom that arises in your body, and try to make you feel as normal as possible depending upon the health issue you have with your Dysautonomia. Remember, Dysautonomia is not the killer and Dysautonomia effects mostly your Central Nervous System.  My son has Dysautonomia and he is a teen going through the changes. It makes it really hard on teens due to the hormonal changes they will go through while they start moving into adolescences to become adults.

It is very hard to find a cure since we are talking about the Autonomic Nervous System which is very wide. Different people have issues with the ANS system and they can vary from many different types of diseases.

I was told from someone very dear to me who knows of someone who has Dysautonomia that they tried some sort of pill that was in some part of Germany, from a doctor there. They do not remember the name of the doctor, what part of Germany, and the name of the Medication. But many years ago, this medication did work and they did not have to take several pills for different symptoms that they were coping with. They felt wonderful. Once they returned to the U.S and ran out of the Medication, it was back to square one.

I will write more about Dysautonomia as I continue to go down this path of being educated and learning just like everyone else who is trying to help and bring awareness. My blog will change from time to time due to new information I receive.

Till next time, Don't give up. Keep researching. There is hope.


  1. Hi!

    I'm from Europe, i have mvps and docs don't even know about the syndrome. Who has the cure? Is there any pill? Or is it by alternative medicine?

  2. hello
    I am suffering from dysotonomia also. However, I am getting better day by day. The only thing that has helped me is Homeopathic Remedies! Find a homeopathic doctor. There IS a cure so don't lose hope!

  3. Can you please share with me your experience and how Homeopathic Remedies is helping you? This could help out millions of others like ourselves.Please email me. Thank you. The Writer and Publisher of Dysautonomia Mania Miss Vivian C. Roberson

    1. Hello
      I was fortunate enough to have my father as a homeopathic doctor. I have had dysautonomia since the past two months and I'm already on a VERY fast recovery.
      I have written about the experience and the treatment here on my blog :


      let me know your email address.

    2. Hey Zari,

      Your site link doesn't seem to work.

      What was your treatment that you were having good results with ?. I am looking into the use of nervine herbs such as oat straw aka avena sativa at the moment.


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