Dysautonomia on the rise in our decade in my words of wisdom

I like to share with all my readers on why Dysautonomia is on the rise in our times and, these are my thoughts and my words of wisdom.

Back in the days of World War 1 they called it "Neurasthenia". This was a term used back in the days of destruction. In those times they classified it as a mental disorder and for the insane when in fact, they were not.

If you think about it, what is happening in our times today? We always say, "History repeats itself." True statement. We are very repetitive humans when it comes to life and, who wants power.

We are in the times of destruction. In this decade we have lost many people around the world to Catastrophic happenings. Good example: Hurricane Catrina. It caused much "Mass Destruction" in, New Orleans. Not to forget the Tsunami in Indonesia where, we also lost millions of people. Also, Haiti with the massive earthquake that killed many people as well and, we can't forget, 9/11. The list goes on.

Also, we are in the times of Depression. People can't find work. The unemployment is hurting and,the Government is changing many rules and regulations that people can't phantom. The North Korean Government has caused many upsets on their nuclear power. Not to forget Iran,Iraq, Afghanistan and, our children and families who are our soldiers that are fighting for our lives and, in other countries.

People are stealing and robbing. People are committing suicides and killing the ones they love. It just goes on and on and on. There is just too much negativity around us and the media makes sure they share it with the world that, causes more pain and upsets.

The earth is changing it's course. The weather patterns has changed dramatically and our body's are not adapting quick enough to, these changes.

We are eating foods with so many different chemicals that causes allot of illness's in our body's and yet, doctor's do not have an answer? Remember, they are people too. They learned their knowledge through going to school and being taught the ways it's been taught repetitively and not, new and improved for today's happenings.

Of course we have those who are geniuses and do know allot from within who can help but yet, they are not fully recognized and, they have to take many steps and precautions to get to the right people who will, give them the opportunity to share their work. Not to forget that, "Money is Power". If you don't have the proper finances then, you have no hope nor, power. People are greedy today. It's all about, "Money".

So, if you take everything I just said, it sounds pretty depressing, doesn't it? Yes. It does.

Stress is our # 1 killer. The world is under allot of stress and so is our, earth. Happiness comes from within but, with everything falling apart around us so does happiness.

I am not saying that everyone is depressed but, our children and also adults with Dysautonomia are suffering health wise and, the rise of Dysautonomia is here.

Our children are growing up in the times of pain and destruction. This is why we are suffering. Our bodies is suffering. It is off balanced. The whole Central Nervous System which is functioned with the Autonomic Nervous System is, way off.

The rise for Dysautonomia will continue and we have to share our wisdom so we can find away to survive through all these mishaps. Many people have it and yet they don't know because their doctor's do not know, either.

The word is getting out, some doctor's are finally doing something about it but, it is going at a very, slow rate.

I truly believe we still have faith and we still have hope. Never be a quitter. If you quit, you quit on everyone. Keep strong, have faith and, lets all make a difference. It's time. Till my next blog, xoxo and blessings to you all.

The writer and founder of Dysautonomia Mania Miss Vivian C. Roberson


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