The Anxiety from within

That Anxiety feeling. Is that what it is? Are we having an "Anxiety Attack" or is it all in our heads?  That awful feeling that comes from within. It just comes out when ever it feels like if for no apparent reason at all. That feeling is horrible, debilitating, someone call me a shrink or give a pill to stop it! People are looking at me like I am insane or just plain crazy. Am I? Why do I feel this way? I "HATE" it! Why is this happening to me? I asked why? I just want to go for a walk  in the beautiful sun. I want to go to the beach but, I can't. I want to be in open spaces but, I can't. I want to go to the mall, make it to the second floor but, I have to come down, fast. My chest is pounding. My hands are sweaty, I am going to pass out. No one in my family understands me. They think I am insane. Get me out of this nightmare, PLEASE!  OK....can you relate to what I am saying? Because if you can, your not alone. This happens to many people with, Dysautonomia.

To give you some input, this is what people would call "Agoraphobia" but, your not a true "Agoraphobic". Believe me when I tell you this. You body's Autonomic Nervous System is imbalanced. It has a slight dysfunction of the Flight/ Fight response reactor to our brains. It's our Neurontranimitters that sets off these singnals because it functions with your, Autonomic Nervous System. This is one area that they really need to help find a cure. It happens quit often for no apparent reason at all. You are not crazy and you do "NOT" need a shrink (excuse my French). This is the first place your doctor who does not know about Dysautonomia or know about it from experiences will send you, or advise you to see a Psychiatrist. After all, they are doing their job, and they have no clue what else to do at this point because it happens, quit often.

That feeling from within is what brings you mostly to the emergency rooms, or doctors office.  To remind you, at this point you can try to relieve that type of feeling by doing natural things for your body. Good example is "meditating". You can give that a shot and see it will work for you. If not, you might need a small dose of anxiety medication and see if that helps relief those awful symptoms a bit. After all, your not crazy and it is part of Dysautonomia's Symptoms. Also, I would advise seeing an Osteopathic doctor who will help balance your Autonomic System. I have one on my blog if you live in my state. He is very good with what he does. I know through experience. I am not telling you this just because. I am telling you this because I live it. Just look through my blog and you will find him. I wrote about him recently. This goes for children, teenager's, and adults.

Teenagers deal with this feeling quit often. This is why most of them are not in school and are either being tutored at home or finding other ways of education. After all the school system will put you through allot of visits to the school ,and they will try and find away to get your child an education. Believe in me when I say, it is a "BATTLE"!! Reasons why, is they have no idea what this Dysautonomia is, and they are not educated about it at all. We are the ones that will have to educate them. They will think that your child has some form of ADHD per say and set you in the wrong direction. Then, the nightmare begins. I wish no one would have to go through this but, you will and just stay strong for your child. After all, you have the power to help your child and understand what they are going through. It can be done. Keep your head up and don't give up on your child. After all this is their future we are talking about and if we stay on top of things, they will be OK.

If any one has any questions or will like to talk about this, please send me an email. I will be glad to help you the best way I can.Till my next blog, stay strong, stay sweet, keep your faith. I am with you all the way. xoxo blessed be Miss Vivian


  1. Hi there! I have been diagnosed with POTS and I love your blog. I have definitely dealt with anxiety problems and it is an extremely uncomfortable feeling. Hope all is well! And be sure to follow my blog too:

  2. I just figured out how to comment. *lol* I am so so sorry I took so long. Much apologies. Thank you for loving my Blog. I am here to help as much as possible. I am sorry to hear you have POTS. Stay strong Paige Ann. I will look into your blog. Thanks again! xoxo Miss Vivian


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