Dysautonomia and Smoking horrible combo for ANS System

It's been a long while since I have put up a blog. Like I said before in my other blogs that, it does take some time to write about it because I too go through it and, so does my son. I am able to share our experiences with Dysautonomia and, help out others who need the help and need the education on what happens to someone with, Dysautonomia. I also get my knowledge through educated doctor's from Europe who know this disease, very well.

I have also read up on allot of other people who have Dysautonomia and read their stories on, their Blogs. To you all, my heart is with you and, if I can shed some light on you in some way, I will do my best. I know some are going to write a Book. Much blessing  to you as well on helping those understand about their disease that is very frightening when, most doctor's here in America have not researched it or learned it in,  medical school. My primary care doctor is one person who is honest and up front and did say that, he never learned it in school and that he felt he just did not have the energy to go back to school to, learn it. I said, "no problem. I understand. I will teach you".  He is learning from me and I notice he has been doing his homework because, he cares. It is always a plus to have a doctor who is willing to work with you. If you seem to be going no where with your doctor and you feel doomed then, it's time to look for another doctor who is willing and able to help you. They are out there so, never give up.

I would like to take my time to write about "Smoking" and "Dysautonomia", combined. We all know that smoking is not good for you and especially those with an "Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction". Cigarette smoking is very harmful for those with, Dysautonomia. If you are smoking and you know you have Dysautonomia, I have two words for you; "PLEASE QUIT". That simple said and, that hard to do "mentally". I know. I smoked with Dysautonomia. It's been a year now that I quit and I am still going through allot of changes. Let me tell you that it was not easy but, I did it cold turkey. I never thought I can do it. I loved smoking. That Cigarette was my best friend. It did everything with me.  In my car, on the phone, you name it. It was there. You know how hard it is to let go of a friend who is always their for you!? Well, if it's a friend who is killing you and you don't know it or are ignoring all the ads, commercials, family, friends, etc...then, it's time for change.

What is the purpose of taking care of yourself medically when you have a very harmful chemical in your hand and it's interacting with your medications and your ANS system? Do you know that Cigarette smoking contributes to most of your symptoms? Well sorry to say but, "it does".  You really need to take the time to stop and think that if you want help; one way is to get rid of those nasty chemicals that are contributing to your health and making it worse for you. If your body is imbalanced and you have side effects to medications then, you need to ask yourself, why am I putting bad chemicals into my body and it is destroying my health?

Let me name a few chemicals from Cigarettes that you are contributing to a shorter life span: Ammonia, Tar, Acetone, Nicotine (Insecticide which is addictive), Carbon Monoxide ( car exhaust fumes), Arsenic (rat poison), Hydrogen Cyanide ( gas chamber poison), Radon (radioactive gas), and the list goes on. There are at least 4000 chemicals in Cigarettes. Yeah...scary huh!? Do you still want to smoke after reading this? I know, I wouldn't.

If you really want to quit, it's time to do something about it. If you don't, I am praying for you. Enough said. I am not the one to lecture anyone; I am just here to help and make you understand if you want to get better and you smoke then, you can eliminate allot of your symptoms that you have when it comes to Dysautonomia. People with Dysautonomia can not smoke, I repeat, Can "NOT" smoke Cigarettes. If you constantly get respiratory infections and have bronchitis allot then you know those are signs to quit. Your lungs are crying out to you. You can't breath, you can't even catch a breath. Next thing you know, you have COPD. You lung capacity function has declined to the max. I know. That is what happened to me.

You want to here some good news? Since I quit smoking, the doctor's thought it was a miracle. My lung capacity has climaxed/doubled. Yup! They could not believe it. Usually people with COPD are doomed. I guess I was lucky. I quit smoking. That simple. I can breath, I can catch my breath. I will have to say as well that your body will go through allot of changes but I can assure you that the end results will be better then if you had kept on smoking. Allot of my harsh symptoms of Dysautonomia has pretty much gone away to some extent. I am not suffering as harsh as I was and I do feel much better. It will take more time. At least 4 more years to go for your cardiovascular system to be in better shape. All together it takes 5 years for you to get better. Believe in me, it's worth that 5 years. After all ,you probably smoked for more then that.

My next blog I will write will be on Alcohol and Dysautonomia. Until then, keep strong, keep the faith, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. This blog is about my knowings on Dysautonomia and everyone with this disease has a story and can help. Learning from each and everyone of us is, a plus.We are all bringing awareness. Blessed be. xoxo Miss Vivian


  1. Congratulations on quitting!!!! :) A year is amazing.

  2. Thank you Rachel! xoxo Miss Vivian

  3. How do I contact you?

  4. He's right. Cigarette smoking makes my extra or missed heart beats increase. One beer will mess up my life for 2-3 days. And smoking pot is just stupid and is even worse than the cigarettes. Eat healthy and live a toxin free life and symptoms improve drastically!

  5. Thank you for posting this. I smoked before I was diagnosed with Dysautonomia. I quit when I got pregnant 5 years ago and havent slipped up even once but over the past month, things have been really hard dealing with multiple deaths, other health concerns, along with martial issues and I've smoked a few times and afterwards, I feel stupid for it and say I'm not going to again. Now I just feel like I'm depressed. After reading this, I know I can't slip up again. Thank you again for posting this.

  6. My condolences to you and yours. Stay strong and keep forward. It's the best way. It might not seem like it at times in our lives but, things will start falling into the appropriate places when its time. Be patient. Things will get better. Nothing stays bad forever. You are so welcome and i will keep you in my prayers as i do for everyone. Thank "you". :) xoxo Miss Vivian The writer of Dysautonomia Mania.

  7. Hi after a cigarette I get tachycardia/forceful heartbeat, shaky, weak and a sense of doom. Does this sound like the effects of cigarettes when one has dysautonomia?

  8. Nicotine is a stimulant and it directly attacks the nervous system. I am not a doctor and with those symptoms, tell your doctor what is going on so they can rule out other health disorders. But, to answer your question... those who have Dysautonomia can not smoke, period. I hope this helped and good luck. Sincerely, The writer of Dysautonomia Mania Miss Vivian C. Roberson

  9. Thanks Vivian I have seen numerous doctors and have had tons of tests. I get super lightheaded, off balance, pounding heart when standing and especially after eating, tachycardia (highest was 174 bpm) but always in sinus rythmn, low blood pressure, headaches... My symptoms are worse in the morning as soon as I sit up the heart starts. Who finally diagnosed you? What were your symptoms? I've been to cardiologist, internist, neurologist, gastroenterologist... All say anxiety lol.

  10. Well, doctors really do not understand it as much still. I was diagnosed by my doctors which i taught them about it from a doctor who taught me. ;) My son has it really bad. I have it mildly. Never give up. Keep the faith.


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