Alcohol and the ANS Dysfunction

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy New Years to everyone! It's that time of year for cheer and fun. We go though this every year. ; ) With the Holidays we tend to have lots to do and so much stress is added to our system. Also the wonderful food and spirit and ,over doing it. How can we help it? It's so good.

For some of us, there are just certain things that can aggravate our system. One thing is Alcohol. Alcohol does allot to the ANS (Autonomic Nervous) system. I am not saying you can not drink but ,what I am saying is you will have to figure out with Dysautonomia if Alcohol does something to your system, which in most of us, it does.

First off Fibromyalgia is piece of  Dysautonomia. Not everyone with Dysautonomia has Fibromyalgia. But, with the ANS system Alcohol plays a major roll when too much is consumed or, maybe just a little. It depends on your Dysautonomia and how it affects your system.

Alcohol affects the nervous system by stamping down the signals between the spinal cord, nerve system and the brain. With that being said what happens is your body will feel awful when over consumed  with Alcohol or, consuming just a little. It does not happen right away. It will happen a few days later and it will continue it's process for some time. Depending on each and every one of us on how our system functions, and functions with Dysautonomia.

You will start feeling light headed, dizzy, pain all over your body. You will have a hard time with your mobility functions. Your knee's will hurt and ache, your back, your chest, your head, etc...You will feel so fatigued. These symptoms can last for a week to several months.Yes. That is scary and no fun indeed. This does happen and if you were wondering why your body has started reacting weirdly, think about what you consumed or what you ate or have you had plenty of rest. It all plays a "huge" factor when it comes to Dysautonomia.

The only way to feel better is to get your system back on track. Drink plenty of water and get plenty of rest and do some light exercise as in walking. Stay away from sugars if possible or not consume so much. With those simple task, you can conquer this nightmarish feeling. If you have any questions on this, please feel free to contact me. It will be my pleasure to help out the best way I can.

Stay strong, keep confident and do not give up. You are not alone. Till next time...Have a safe and Blessed New Years!!! : )  xoxo Miss Vivian


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