
*Note: This information I give you on Dysautonomia is information given to me by a special doctor. I am not a doctor or, here to act as a doctor. I am here to write and bring awareness to those who are interested in knowing about, Dysautonomia.*

I wanted to write today about teaching other's about the differences of Dysautonomia/Dysautonomics. I know as you read other blogs, websites, videos, research, etc., that they all tend to say something different and it gets very confusing to us all who, are just trying to figure out what is going on with our bodies. There are many different blogs today and many different Facebook pages that have communities for people to join, so they can vent, talk about their heath, and so on. It's a way to communicate with others who have same or alike symptoms and, bring awareness. We all have a story to tell ,yet we are all different. Not all of us is alike but, similar. So let me throw some facts at you that can give you some insight on the differences on ,"Dysautonomia".

First off, Dysautonomia is an American word. In Europe, Dysautonomia is called "Autonomic Nervous System Disbalance".  That is probably why allot of them don't know what Dysautonomia is. But ,if you worded it as "Autonomic Nervous System Disbalance, they will know what you mean.

Another fact is, "Neurasthenia" is  different from Dysautonomia. I thought it was the same but, when I finally got some information to clarify it, I realize it is different. Neurasthenia is the exhaustion of the "Nervous System". for example: stress as a severe illness but not a real depression. Neurasthenia is, an "after stress reaction." It is not in your head. Your not crazy. Your ANS is totally exhausted. This is what happened to people around the time of world wars. It still happens to many people including our solders today and yet, we are still behind in our research.

Postural Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS): POTS is an "Autonomic Dysfunction" but not of the "Central Autonomic System".  Many people with POTS faint and that is very frightening and debilitating. It is a "condition" of Dysautonomia.

Dysautonomia is the dysfunction of the Autonomic Nervous System  which is part of the "Central Autonomic Nervous System (The control center of the the brain and spinal cord)" which is, the internal organs supplied by the Autonomic System. Examples: IBS (Irritable Bowell Syndrome), Tachycardia , Hypostatic Hypertension , Anxiety,etc., are all controlled by the "Central Nervous System". Dysautonomia is an "Autonomic Storm" which is when everything is happening all at once, and that gets very scary. That is why when you go to the doctors and you tell them about this symptom ,that symptom, and your symptom list grows, this is when they get very confused. You did not just walk in and say, "I have issues with my stomach" which they would probably do a barium test to start off with. Makes it simple, right!? You walk in and say to your doctor for example: " I have issues with my stomach, it hurts, my hands hurt, my back is killing me, my heart is throbbing really fast, I am having blurred vision, my ears are making a high pitch sound, I feel light headed and dizzy at the same time, I'm having some sort of anxiety or panic that I can't explain,etc, etc, etc. Now your doctor is ready to send you to a, shrink. He has no clue what is going on. It is just way to many symptoms to even think of what particular test they can do. So, you will probably be written of as "Crazy". Sorry folks. I do have a sense of humor and I do understand whole hearted what you are going through and what the doctors are going through too because, they do not know what to do at that point. They did not study Dysautonomia in College/ Medical School. But yet, it is an American word which, makes this a mystery to me. Hopefully I will have that answer for you some day.

Well that is all I have for now. If you have any question, or would like to chat with me, please send me an email or make a comment and I will get back to you. Thanks for spending the time to read my blog.


  1. Learned some new things from your post. Thank you. I don't understand the blog thing very well. Can I sign up to received a facebook message or email when you update your blog?


  2. Thank you Teressa! And, you are very welcome. I will send you an email to make sure you got my message.: )I am still till this day, learning how to do blogs. There is so much too learn. *lol* Have a blessed night! xoxo Miss Vivian


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