The Benefits of Sun Gazing with Dysautonomia

So, what is "Sun Gazing"? This is something you do to nourish your body and bring out your spirituality. For those who have exhausted there health in medications, there are other ways that are far more natural and it helps your system. I know this due to; I sun gaze and so does my son. When all else fails and you are still not feeling better, this is something you might want to look into. I will add a couple of videos that I have found on YouTube to show you how to sun gaze and the benefits of sun gazing. To give you a little introduction, sun gazing is very easy. All you have to do is sun gaze for 20 seconds the first time, and increase it to 30 seconds the next, and so forth from either dusk or dawn. This means that the UV rays are at "0". That is correct. Something your Ophthalmologist might not know about btw since they say the sun is bad for you. It is not. It is one of the most ancient uses of all time. The sun is not bad for you at all. It is...