The Benefits of being a Vegetarian/ Vegan with Dysautonomia
Hello Everyone! So lately my son and I have also changed our diets. We are still "Sun Gazing" which you can learn about that in my other blog I wrote last month.We have also did some research on Vegetation and how it benefits our bodies. And of course our lovely fruits. We are no longer eating meats. It was hard for me but it can be done. My son is a full Vegan. I am a Vegetarian. Yes. There is a difference. Being a Vegetarian you still eat dairy. Being a Vegan you do not. Most people around the world are Vegetarians because it helps you in so many ways and many people are getting smarter about taking better care of their system/body. Being a Vegan is very strict. You will be eliminating so much but it is much more healthier then being a Vegetarian.
Did you know being a Vegan, you can still get your Vitamin D? Many Vegetables have Vitamin D. Kale for one is a good example. Mushrooms is another one that is loaded with Vitamin D. You can do some research on the internet on which Vegetables have Vitamin D. Not to forget we "Sun Gaze" as well which gives us our Vitamin D. With Vitamin D you also need Calcium. Okra, Almonds, Collard Greens, Spinach, Broccoli, and the list grows.
All this is Vegetation from the grounds of our earth. The best and healthiest benefits for your body. All Vegetables have the Vitamins and Nutrients your body needs to stay healthy and strong. Since I been doing this, I have lost weight and still loosing weight. Eventually my weight will go to its norm for my body type. We are all shaped differently and you will fall into the weight you should be at. That is also a very good benefit for allot of us who are trying to loose weight and are always on some sort of crash diet or gimmick because lets face it, no one wants to be over weight and we all LOVE to eat.
You also get your protein from eating nuts. Eat ALL the nuts you want. It is good for you. You have Peanuts, Walnuts, Almonds, Sun Flower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, etc. Very tasty and very healthy. For those who have a Peanut allergy, find out what nuts you are not allergic too. Also, you get protein from Vegetables. Examples to name a few: Lentil, baby Lima Beans, Kidney Beans, all Beans, Peas, Onions, Spinach, to name a few. You can find most of this information on the Internet as well.
Fruits are sweet and tasty. How can you go wrong with fruits? They are delicious and makes a body feel good. Lots of Nutrients in our Fruits as well. Apples, Avocado, Bananas, Grapes, Peaches, Pineapple, and the list grows. You can eat all the fruit you want as well. All this takes allot of getting use too if you are use to eating meats more then vegetables. For those meat eaters I can tell you that meat is not good for the body. They will say it is but it is not. We eat way too many meat products in general. Meat is in everything almost. And then they have to kill these beautiful creatures and drug up your meats. How can you eat something you look at and say, "Oh how cute". just ate that cute animal. Sorry. A little emotional over this since I became a Vegetarian and thinking of becoming a full Vegan soon. Do you know you eat more then a pound of meat a day? You ever wonder why you like meat so much? You find yourself eating more meats then vegetables.
Eating meat has an increase rate for Diabetes, Cardio Vascular Disease, and certain Cancers. I think by saying that, is enough to let you know what you are consuming into your system. If you want to feel better and want to get healthier, not only is the Medical Facilities trying to figure out how to help you but, you are giving yourself a chance to find away to feel better and become more disease free from what you consume into your body. You are what you eat and that is a true fact.
You can do some research on the internet for what I am speaking about in my blog. You can also contact me through email or on my blog and I can help you as well. I did my homework as usual and I am here to help you feel better. I am feeling better and I will continue to feel better. And so is my son. All in positive doing and thinking. After all, this is your world. How do you want to live it? Enjoy. :)
I actually do better with a high sodium, grain free diet. so what works for one person may not work for another, I was at my worst with a vegetarian diet.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear that. There are many ways of eating Vegetables, which we include Rice and Beans as well. Allot of Vegetarians also still eat Fish and Dairy plus Fruit and Nuts. Pretty much just eliminating meats. Vegans are strict. only Vegetables, Nuts, Beans and Fruits. I am happy to hear your diet works for you and hopefully it will help others too. Sincerely, The writer of Dysautonomia Mania
ReplyDeleteI have to take Coumadin so I could not become Vegan because I could not get my Vitamin D you also need Calcium. Okra, Almonds, Collard Greens, Spinach, Broccoli, these are all food you have to avoid because it willl mess up your INR. Also, I would love to eat some kind of diet but I am on SSDI and I am told I make to much for food stamps haha!! Most months the only thing I can afford to buy at the store is some poweraide type drinks but not much, but otherwise all my food unfortunately has to come from the food bank, and sometime they don't have enough food there to give you enough for the whole month and mostly all you get is canned veggies and soup. maybe if your lucky at the most 2 small packages of some kind of meat for the month. Please don't think I am trying to ask for anything because I am not. I am just telling you how I live....Love your blog
ReplyDeleteRachel, thank you so much for loving my blog. And your story touched my heart. Are you able to afford Juice Plus? ....this will not harm your body and will help you get your nutrients your body needs. I left you their website. Read up on it. I do take Juice Plus. Many foods lack nutrients due to all the chemicals we have in our foods today.You need enzymes in your system to help you with your illness. My prayers are with you Rachel. You can write me any time if you need to talk. Blessing & Light and thank you so much. xoxo the writer of Dysautonomia Mania, Miss Vivian
DeleteI have to take Coumadin so I could not become Vegan because I could not get my Vitamin D you also need Calcium. Okra, Almonds, Collard Greens, Spinach, Broccoli, these are all food you have to avoid because it willl mess up your INR. Also, I would love to eat some kind of diet but I am on SSDI and I am told I make to much for food stamps haha!! Most months the only thing I can afford to buy at the store is some poweraide type drinks but not much, but otherwise all my food unfortunately has to come from the food bank, and sometime they don't have enough food there to give you enough for the whole month and mostly all you get is canned veggies and soup. maybe if your lucky at the most 2 small packages of some kind of meat for the month. Please don't think I am trying to ask for anything because I am not. I am just telling you how I live....Love your blog
DeleteHello Rachel above is a video on coumadin. His names is James Sloane and he is from Nevada but he is an expert with natural medicines and knows allot about pharmaceutical meds as well. He studies the chemistry of these things in the body.
Deleteyou can try and contact him on youtubes but i know he is busy but you can give it a shot. Hopefully he can help you.
Deleteabove is his website that has all his contact information.