Anna Hohler, MD Boston University Medical Center Dept. of Neurology 715 Albany Street, C329 Boston, MA 02118 617-638-8456 Autonomic Laboratory Comments: Dr. Hohler treats dysautonomia, MSA and Parkinson's disease with autonomic dysfunction. **** After almost 15 years and countless neuro consults, Dr. Hohler was the first to take me seriously. Paul LeLorier Boston Medical Center 88 East Newton St. Boston, MA 02118-2393 (617) 638-8734 POTS, NCS Autonomic Laboratory Peter Novak, MD, PhD Autonomic Center at University of Massachusetts Department of Neurology University Campus, 55 Lake Avenue North Worcester, MA 01655 POTS, Hyperhidrosis, Dysautonomia, MSA, Parkinson's Disease with Autonomic Dysfunction Autonomic Laboratory Treats adults Dr. Lawrence S. Rosenthal University of Massachusetts Medical Center 55 Lake Avenue Worchester, MA 01655 508-334-6194 NCS Comments: Dr. Rosenthal is not a specialist, but he does...
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