Why Dysautonomia disappeared in the days...My opinion

Hello Everyone. Today I will like to take some time and share why I believe Dysautonomia was brushed under the carpet many moons ago and, I fear it will happen again. My readers all know that from what I have written in the past that, the word Dysautonomia was derived from the United States. In Europe they did not know what Dysautonomia was. They knew what an Autonomic Nervous System Imbalance was which, is the same thing.

Today, Dysautonomia is now known as many other illnesses which, are conditions to the Dysautonomia. For example: POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) is a condition of Dysautonomia but, it is not Dysautonomia. It is just a "condition" of it.

Since I been writing this blog back in 2010, allot of doctors in the United States at the time did not know what that word meant unless, someone who was a patient knew what it was due to their research and, explained to the doctor what it actually is. Doctors would look at you with such a puzzled look in their eyes.  They probably thinking to themselves, how on earth did my patient now about this Dysautonomia?

Now, I was educated about Dysautonomia from a Doctor who is an American Citizen but, is Russian. She knew this Dysautonomia very well due to the fact she has it and, many of her patients had it when she was residing in Russia. Now she resides in the United States. My son was diagnosed with Dysautonomia by her back in, 2009. To remind you my son does not have POTS. He has Dysautonomia. I was just diagnosed by my doctors after many years learning from me. I to do not have POTS. I have Dysautonomia.

A person with Dysautonomia has an irregular and imbalance, low on quarts of fluids, in the Autonomic Nervous System which, includes the Central Nervous System. They all work together as a team except, for when your imbalance. Your not 100%. You are maybe 80 %, sometimes 50 % depending on your irregular Autonomic Nervous System. You will have several and many episodes of  symptoms throughout the day that, does not make any sense what so ever. Either you feel like your going to pass-out/faint which, we do not. People with Postural OrthostaticTachycardia Syndrome pass-out/faint. Your blood pressure is ALL over the place. Whether it is very high or very low. In a 24 hour period of time,  blood pressure is doing what it is doing at all times. It's not steady. Your heart that gives you flutters does  flutter in that 24 hour period time when ever it feels like it. Your Temperature in your body, fluctuates all day as well. Your reading could be high into the 100's or low into the 90's. This is happening at a 24 hour period of time every single day when you are having a Dysautonomic episode. Also Fatigue is horrible when these episodes arises and just to remind you, not all people with Dysautonomia are alike.

Now here is the trick. People don't have this episode all the time. You can go on in months feeling ok. Then all off a sudden your feeling ill and, your having an episode of symptoms that can not be explained by doctors and, you can go on for months like this until it decides to fix itself some how which, is the mystery of Dysautonomia. Also, this is when doctors feel that you are fine. That there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. That is where the confusion and the stress comes in and, all kind of misdiagnoses for the patients who will be lead down the wrong road, have all kinds of emotions go through there minds, until these doctors think you need to go see a shrink/Psychiatrist.

As a matter of fact. It is "NOT" in your head. Your body is doing this and it is doing it well. It is not your friend and, we don't want this friend. It is ruining people from having an active and, normal life. Now, to help you out a bit I have said this in my other blogs that, we are weather pertaining. This is not a joke.  Your body knows when storms are arising in all parts of the world due to the barometer pressure. I am completely serious. You are a part of this earth and you are feeling it. The earth is all over the place with weather patterns and ,so is your body. And this is a proven fact. I have put in my blogs about foods, and other things to help. To help balance you a bit until the barometer pressure goes back to normal which no one knows when that will happen these days.

So there is so much I want to say and, I can write them in my other blogs later. But, this has to be pointed out. I really do not want to see Dysautonomia get brushed under the carpet like it did way back in the days which, I have written those days in one of my blogs. It existed and it will continue to exist and, people will continue to suffer and, ask for help and relief. I have also written in my blogs medications, supplements, herbals that you can take. I know all this because I am experience with this Dysautonomia. It's like trial and error kind of thing. I live it every single day and, I am here to let you know that you are not alone and, if I can help relief some of your anxieties a bit then, I am very happy to do so because, I know what it is like to be alone in this.

Many blessing from me to you and like I always say, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact/ email me and I will discuss or, help these matters with you the best way I can. I am not a doctor but, I am a very educated and experience person with this Dysautonomia disorders. I live with it.  Blessing & light. xoxo Miss Vivian Carrera Roberson.... The writer of  Dysautonomia Mania


  1. Hi I enjoyed readng your blog.I can relate to it so well.I to have Dysautonomia as well but not POTS.I noticed you about the weaher.I am very sensitive to everything.One thing i have noticed is at sundown I'm way better.It last for alittle while.It must have something to do with the suns pull.Thanks Greg

    1. Thanks for sharing Greg. The weather plays the "main" roll with Dysautonomia. Dysautonomis is Dysautonomia. POTS is only a "condition" of Dysautonomia. But, many people are confused and doctor's are still learning. Some doctors know but most are learning from patients. I hope your doing well Greg. The writer of Dysautonomia Mainia Miss Vivian C. Roberson


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