Spring and Fall...worse season with Dysautonomia

Hello Everyone. I would like to share some more information on onsets with Dysautonomia around the Spring and the Fall seasons.

 But first, I would like to give a little  refresher to those who are reading my blog for the first time and do not know about Dysautonomia. Dysautonomia is an Autonomic Nervous System Imbalance. We are like a quart low on fluids within our ANS System which, is our main system in our bodies that keeps us going. It regulates your whole systematic system. Also with this Dysautonomia comes other issues and secondary health issues, that can make it worse. Dysautonomia is not fatal. Only the diseases that come with it can or, may  be fatal in some people which are usually, the secondary illnesses. Dysautonomia itself is not dangerous or, fatal. Dysautonomia is very uncomfortable and mimics allot of different illnesses that people are diagnosed with. Also, with Dysautonomia comes a wide variety of symptoms. Read into my blog about Dysautonomia.

Welcome to Spring! Not always for those who have Dysautonomia. Spring is blooming and recreating its earth with beautiful greenery. The rebirth of many of earths nature. But, not such a good rebirth for us who have an ANS Disorder. For which it is causing us to have more onsets then, ever. Yes. You feel much worse then other seasons around Spring and Fall.

Spring and Fall are the worst months for those who have, Dysautonomia.  It's bad enough you are imbalance and when the Spring or Fall comes along, people start having some health disorders as in, allergies for example. People have more anxiety and insomnia as well in these times. These seasons cause allot of agitation in people, and can also cause depression do to feeling not well because, the body is doing more to you then what you can handle, and it is scary.

Inflammation can be a major cause in why you feel horrible and, low Vitamin D levels. You also become more fatigue do to the changes in the air, do to pollen in the Spring and Fall. Extra hours of sunlight and rising temperatures can increase the levels of serotonin and dopamine in the body - the chemicals responsible for feelings of well-being. So, you can be feeling more down then the norm. Your body becomes very irregular around the Spring and Fall Seasons. Your whole system is just doing everything you do not want it to do, and it becomes exhausting.

Just remember, when you start feeling like this, your not getting worse and do not start to think that what ever you are taking is causing these symptoms. After all, people with Dysautonomia are weather pertaining. You can read about that in my other blogs too. It is the change of seasons that makes your Autonomic Nervous System get out of whack.

I wish there was a cure, but so far there is not one. Doctors are finding ways to help eliminate some of your symptoms. Dealing with the ANS system is not easy. So be strong and if you start feeling down, get help. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to write me. Blessings & Light to all. Till my next blog, keep strong and do your best. Never give up.


  1. I found everything you said to be spot on. I have been dealing with pure Dysautonomia since 2008. I owned my own business and never slowed down. Then, one morning, I woke up barely able to get out of bed. When I did I walked like a staggering drunk. I began to have fainting episodes. I saw many doctors over the next 2 yrs but no one could figure out what was going on. So I managed to get myself an appointment with a highly respected brain surgeon in St Paul, MN because that is what they thought I needed. I live in Montgomery Al. He did a brain angiography and found nothing unusual. I was thrilled yet disappointed that I still had no answers. He must have read my face because his next sentence was that we are going to figure this thing out before you go home. I had noted that the name of the building his office was located in was called 'The St Paul Cardiology Center'. Odd I thought. Sure enough I saw every physician there who ran every type of test imaginable. And every one said that I was a conundrum. Still no answers. So, on the very last day I had one appointment left with an E-P Cardiologist. He said he had been reviewing all my records, both from home and there. He asked me a few questions. He watched my 'jello' walk. Then he said I know what is wrong with you. You have Dysautonomia. And as he asked the right questions, a pattern magically appeared. This had been coming on for years. I have asthma so most symptoms got put on that diagnosis. It was all beginning to make sense. Jump forward to today, I can't tolerate standing but for a few minutes. Still fainting if not careful. Outside the house I am in a wheelchair. I am 57 yrs old. Cannot work. Terrible insomnia. Central apnea. Bi pap machine. On mididrine, propranolol, and Florinef. Keep low Vit D and anemia. Take 2 liters of N'S twice a week via port for hydration purposes, tho I am never without a big bottle of water or G2. I recently found out I have severe Osteoporosis in my hips. I am in constant pain. It's hard to sit upright for any length of time. Oh, add gastroparesis. It adds much joy each day. Having read my little story, is there anything else that you can think of that I should try? Are there any experimental treatments being tried? I am truly desperate. I just want some semblance of my life back. I have a wonderful husband who cares for me 24/7. But I don't want him to resent me. I can tell it's wearing him down. Please help us. Thank you. Angela Rowe

    1. Thank you for sharing Angela and i am so sorry you are suffering like this. I know it is not easy but you want relief. One thing i learned is i know that the Mayo Clinic helps those with Dysautonomia. http://www.mayoclinic.org/ .....I hear some successful stories there. You could give them a call for starts and give them your story. Keep me posted. There is much help for you that i know of. I am praying for you. Sincerely, Miss Vivian Carrera Roberson (The writer of Dysautonomia Mania)


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