Dysautonomia and Awareness

I have not written on this blog for a very long time now. Reasons are because of so much awareness is out. Many people are finally taking Dysautonomia seriously, and is on the rise. I have seen many blogs, articles, charities, communities,videos, and the list just grows. Also, doctors are more aware of this Dysautonomia, and more and more doctors are taking this seriously.

Dysautonomia is an Autonomic Nervous System Imbalance, or Dysfunction. A good example in short is like, being a quart low on fluids. I received my knowledge through a doctor who has it, and her mother had it, badly. She diagnosed my son with it. I too have this Dysautonomia. The apple does not fall far from the tree.

Many variety of people have this Dysautonomia that affects us all differently, yet same. I meaning same, do to the dysfunction of your Autonomic Nervous System. Many are known to have the condition which is called "POTS" in short. The full name is called: Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. Most doctors diagnose their patients with POTS.

Living with this Dysautonomia has a wide variety of symptoms, and can be debilitating. For Example: Some people are using wheelchairs and others can function with it. Many faint from it, and others have that feeling of faint that lingers. You can have a racing heart, or a slow heart rate. Your symptoms can come and go at any given time of the day. There are no warnings. It just hits you, and you have to deal with it the best way you can which, can be very frightening. It has a tendency of turning your flight -fight on and off allot, which causes much anxiety, and depression. After all, the Autonomic Nervous System which is part of the Central Nervous System, plays a massive role in our bodies.

Medications are given to many when the symptoms arise. Of course many of us have sensitivity to these medications, which can work very well for a normal person, with a well functioning Autonomic Nervous System. For us, it is trial and error. Its frustrating for the doctors and the patients who deal with this disorder. Lowering dosages can help, or taking alternative medications can help. Many go holistic wise, or a little of both. After all, we are all different and none of us are quiet the same. Could explain why we can't actually just find one cure for all. We might be in the same boat, yet our bodies are doing something different from others, who suffer with this Dysautonomia. Its a very complex illness to have.

I'm glad to see that people are aware, and taking this seriously. It's nice to see others stand up for each other, and help out the best way they can.  My advise is to do the best for you, and keep strong and never give up. You will be able to find ways to help yourself  in the long run. You know your body better than anyone else, and you have to live with it. Eventually, you will have methods to help you feel better in one way or another. Also, always good to speak to others who have it, and understand you. Till next time, peace and hugs. Godspeed, The writer of Dysautonomia Mania, Miss Vivian C. Roberson


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