Boston Osteopathic health

Dr. William Foley is an OD Doctor out in Newton Massachusetts. He works with people who have Dysautonomia and, he knows about Dysautonomia. I know him personally and asked him if I could share his information and, he did give me permission.

Please click on his link and learn more about what  he does. I can assure you, he does help those with the Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunctions.

Allot of people might ask, what is the difference  between an OD(Osteopathic) doctor and an MD(Medical) doctor?  The OD doctor works with his hands. He can get your system flowing in the right direction. The MD doctor works with machines and medications. Both Doctors go to school for 12 years.

In reality, BOTH doctor's are very important for your health. Never exclude one. You need them all to keep you healthy and, help you with your health.

For those who live to far to see him, ask around to see if you can find a good Osteopathic doctor in your area. I believe they will help you with your imbalanced system.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me or send Dr. William Foley an email.

Till my next blog, blessing to all. 


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