Weather pattern causing you pain

Hope this blog finds everyone well! I will like to share today about body pain with Dysautonomia. The pain with this disease is no fun. We call it "Fibromyalgia". It is in the same family. This pain gets out of control with the type of weather patterns we been having lately all around the world. We do know when it rains outside, you always here people complaining about their joint pain, arthritis is acting up, sciatica, etc. It really does. The problem is when you have Dysautonomia, those pains are ten times worse then the average person. Yet, they do not understand this because, they never heard of this disease or, do not have it. That plain and simple.

This pain your having has allot to do with the earth atmosphere. The  barometer pressure of the weather patterns.You can't get any relief  what so ever lately. You find yourself complaining more about your pain then any other time of your life with this disease. It seems to happen quiet frequently.

Well ,that is because people with Dysautonomia are "Weather Pertaining". My words to you is, "you will get through it". Listen to your body. Do not over due it. Try and find relief by taking Tylenol, Motrin for the pain, meditating, relaxing, getting plenty of rest which is the number one thing to do when your body gets like this. When you do get that chance, try and go for a walk. I know after walking for a bit, you can relieve your pain, some what. You do not want to stiffen up or get caught up in that lazy mode. It will only put you in  a depressed mode. Motivation is key to a certain extent. Make sure you give what your body needs to replenish itself.

I know it is not easy. It does seem easier said then done but, we have to keep trying to feel better. We have no choice. We don't have a cure yet. But I do know that when the weather acts up whether it is cold, hot, humid, rainy, etc., people with Dysautonomia are effected by it in ,more ways then one. It can make you feel crippled.

On that note, I will continue to write more soon. Try and get your Vitamin D when the sun is out. Keep a positive attitude. Stay focused. I'm with you all the way. : ) xoxo blessed be, Miss Vivian C. Roberson


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