The main Symptom "Fatigue"

Feeling fatigue all the time is one of the main symptoms of Dysautonomia. Your body just feels so tired and beat up all the time. It just becomes depressing to you. All you want is to feel energized and be able to do the fun things people do but, your body just always feels so run down. It does not help with certain medications you have to take that adds on to your, fatigue feelings.

Friends and family don't seem at times to see how you can be so tired all the time to the point they think, you are just being plan lazy. In all reality, "you are not". They have no clue how your body is functioning. You can tell them time and time again and they will just throw in things like ,how they can relate to you and how they get tired too. The point is, your totally being honest with them. You really don't have that extra knack to do things that you would love to do.

The thing is your fatigue is not caused by becoming  tired or weary, as everyone does from time to time at the end of the day. This is an overwhelming lack of energy that is present most of the time. Fatigue caused by Dysautonomia can turn a seemingly simple task, like vacuuming the living room carpet, into a major chore.

For most people with Dysautonomia , there usually is a particular time of the day when your fatigue is worse, making you feel as though all the energy is drained from your body. The most common time for you to feel this way is usually in the late afternoon. But, everyone has a different body, and you may feel the most fatigue in the morning, the early afternoon, or the early evening.

You also might notice when you overexert yourself for a couple of days in a row, by the third day, your fatigue is so bad, you feel as though you have been run over by a truck. Then there are those who's fatigue just feels like that, all the time. It is a no win case scenario. You just want to feel alive and energized and you can't understand why it is happening to you this way. You want relief. Your sick and tired of feeling sick and, tired.

In my next bogs, I will write about ways you can help yourself as in, exercise and nutrition. There is hope. Don't quit. Until then, enjoy my blogs and I will be writing again soon. Blessed be, you will be free. : )


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