Taking your medications prescribed for you with Dysautonomia

Speaking from my end of my personal experience, I know there is a way to avoid the side effects on medications you take. People with Dysautonomia fear the side effects. Who wouldn't!? You know that when a doctor prescribes a medication for you, the first thing you look for are the side effects. Once you start reading "ALL" the side effects it gives you, then you don't want to take them because of fear of having it, or experienced the side effects from another medication and your head starts on it's little journey of  "Medication Phobia".

Let me try and help a little bit with that issue and, hopefully ease your way of thinking about medications. You know you need to take your medications to get better and move on with life. Easier said then done huh!? Well, all I can say is "You can do it!!" : ) The best way to avoid the side effects is to take smaller amounts at a time. Thing about it? The smaller the dose, the less side effects. After all your body is a quart low of fluids. You need to work with your body to be able to take your medications without any fear. If your taking smaller amounts, then your body will not get that full force of panic, anxiety, phobia, etc. Who the heck wants to have a panic attack!? That is scary in itself and when you experience that with medications then, you have that fear of "Medication Phobia".

Here is an examples for you: Your doctor might prescribe to you Lexapro. Your doctor wants to start you off at 10mg. Ok. Now here is the trick. You can cut the pill in half and take .5mg of Lexapro in the am and then take the other half of the .5mg of Lexapro at night. You need to give your body a couple of weeks to adjust to the medication.

See how that works for you. To remind you, everybody's body is different. The reason's why I  know this is from personal experience. Your very welcome to discuss this with me through here or, on a more personal level send me an e-mail at : miss.vivian.roberson@gmail.com


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