
Showing posts from 2013

Dysautonomia Mania: Eliminating sugars can improve your ANS Disorder

Dysautonomia Mania: Eliminating sugars can improve your ANS Disorder : If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, chances are very good that the excess carbohydrates in your body are, in part or...

Eliminating sugars can improve your ANS Disorder

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, chances are very good that the excess carbohydrates in your body are, in part or whole, to blame: Excess weight : Extra weight Fatigue and frequent sleepiness :  extreme tiredness, typically resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness. Depression : severe despondency and dejection, typically felt over a period of time and accompanied by feelings of hopelessness and inadequacy. Brain fogginess : Clouding of consciousness Bloating:  is a condition of excess gas in the body, feeling abdominal pressure and at the same time feeling full in your stomach, at times feeling though as your stomach is stretched to full extend and or even feeling weighted down.   Low blood sugar :   Also known as hypoglycemia  increases the risk of damaging the arteries which leads to the development of heart disease and kidney disease.       *     High blood pressure:  ...

The Benefits of being a Vegetarian/ Vegan with Dysautonomia

Hello Everyone! So lately my son and I have also changed our diets. We are still "Sun Gazing" which you can learn about that in my other blog I wrote last month.We have also did some research on Vegetation and how it benefits our bodies. And of course our lovely fruits.  We are no longer eating meats. It was hard for me but it can be done. My son is a full Vegan. I am a Vegetarian. Yes. There is a difference.  Being a Vegetarian you still eat dairy. Being a Vegan you do not. Most people around the world are Vegetarians because it helps you in so many ways and many people are getting smarter about taking better care of their system/body. Being a Vegan is very strict. You will be eliminating so much but it is much more healthier then being a Vegetarian. Did you know being a Vegan, you can still get your Vitamin D? Many Vegetables have Vitamin D. Kale for one is a good example. Mushrooms is another one that is loaded with Vitamin D. You can do some research on the intern...

The Benefits of Sun Gazing with Dysautonomia

So, what is "Sun Gazing"?  This is something you do to nourish your body and bring out your spirituality.  For those who have exhausted there health in medications, there are other ways that are far more natural and it helps your system. I know this due to; I  sun gaze and so does my son.  When all else fails and you are still not feeling better, this is something you might want to look into. I will add a couple of videos that I have found on  YouTube to show you how to sun gaze and the benefits of sun gazing. To give you a little introduction, sun gazing is very easy. All you have to do is sun gaze for 20 seconds the first time, and increase it to 30 seconds the next, and so forth from either dusk or dawn. This means that the UV rays are at "0". That is correct. Something your Ophthalmologist might not know about btw since they say the sun is bad for you. It is not. It is one of the most ancient uses of all time. The sun is not bad for you at all. It is...

Social Security Disability for Dysautonomia

 Good day everyone! ***The information I have below is from disability This is to help those who have questions on; if they can go on Social Security/Disability with Dysautonomia. The link is attached as well. I hope this helps. Dysautonomia describes any disorder of the autonomic nervous system. (The autonomic nervous system controls the operation of organs and functions as body temperature, heart rate, digestion, and blood pressure.) Some autonomic dysfunction disorders are: postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) pure autonomic failure (PAF) orthostatic hypertension multiple system atrophy (MSA) inappropriate sinus tachycardia (IST) neurocardiogenic syncope (NCS), and neurally mediated hypotension (NMH). Because dysautonmia disorders can affect any body system, the symptoms of dysautonomia and their severity differ widely among patients...